
How much is shipping?

Shipping is calculated by weight at time of check out. See below for a guide to shipping costs for the journals and cards within Australia:

1 - 5 Journals $9.95

6-15 Journals $19.95

16-60 Journals $29.95

61-100 Journals $39.95

Can I get my order faster?

You can select Express Post shipping at checkout for faster delivery.

I live locally can I collect my order from you?

Absolutely! Select Local Pick Up at checkout and you’ll be emailed the collection address once your order is processed.

Will you ship internationally?

Yes. Shipping costs are calculated at check out.  

When will my order ship?

We aim to send out all orders within 24 hours of receiving them. Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a tracking link via email. 


What is your returns policy?

You can return your journal within 14 days of receiving it provided that it is in original, unused condition. Return delivery costs are paid for by the customer. We can issue a refund once we have checked the return is in sellable condition so we suggest registered post.

Please send an email to with subject line RETURN and your order number and we will provide the address for return postage.

Faulty Items.

What do I do if I find my order to be faulty or damaged?

Contact us immediately via email with subject line FAULTY, your order number and an image of the fault and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

A note on damaged packaging boxes: The cute printed box your journal comes in may sustain some small amounts of damage during transport. The box is designed to protect your journal (but hopefully have a second life as a pizza box, jewelry box, bat cave, pencil case or some other fun imaginative use your child comes up with) however the damage received to the box is not considered a fault, just an unfortunate side effect from it’s wild journey to your door.