Cup Filling Cards

A beautiful boxed set of 20 kids affirmation cards to inspire, uplift, and fill up the cups of children of all ages.

Vanessa Kelly lovingly created the Cup Filling Cards to…

  • Encourage kids to connect their sense of calm and self-worth.

  • Introduce and normalise the concept of positive self-talk.

  • Prevent, challenge or change negative thought patterns that may begin in childhood.

  • Inspire conversations and enhance connection.

  • Develop kids social and emotional awareness, values, and resilience.

  • Care for the environment, by choosing to ecologically printed on high quality card with a small family business.

Perfect for kids yoga teachers, school teachers, parents, therapists and kids themselves.

Designs feature cute and playful imagery that appeal to kids aged 5 to 12.

Affirmations are carefully chosen to support the social and emotional development of this phase of life.

Let’s Take a Closer Look.

About the Creator


Inspired by her own childhood anxiety, Vanessa is passionate about creating a yoga experience for kids that’s engaging and supportive.

She says, “I love teaching kids’ yoga because I struggled with anxiety as a child and would have loved to be introduced to yoga at a very young age. My goal with teaching kids’ yoga is to equip children with a toolkit for finding their way back to a balanced and centred state and make sure they have a really fun and engaging experience at the same time.”

The addition of affirmation cards in her yoga classes has helped to create a joyful and engaging experience for the kids. 

“I want children to grow up knowing they are enough – whole and worthy of love and respect just as they are.

We are born believing this but along the path of life we start to forget.

I want these cards to sit in the homes of children and in the spaces they visit as a reminder of their innate completeness.” 

— Vanessa Kelly

Vanessa has a whole range of cup filling products.